Sunday, September 21, 2014

Yoga (with your kids!)

May I start by saying I wasn't really in to Yoga before I got my yoga cards I can use with my kids. I find it hard to remember all the names and how to do the poses so they are very helpful. Plus, I can do it at my own pase.

I also found I made a lot of excuses like, "I don't have a comfy mat to use so my back doesn't hurt", or " I don't have time" or "My kids always bug me".

Now I solved all my excuses!

1--Get a good Yoga Mat that's right for YOI!
Heres a little Yoga Mat 101 article that's great for helping you find the perfect mat.
I also recently did a review on a Yoga Mat you can check out as well. Review Here

2--Find a routine or tool that works for you. I like to use my yoga cards and turn on soothing music. You may do better using a video. I suck at following videos so the cards are great for me because I can go as slow or fast as I want and do different poses each time. Just find what works for you.

The cards I use:
I got the Yoga Pretzels card deck from barefoot books
These cards are fantastic! My girls beg me to play " exercise".
Each card has its name and shows on the back the steps to do that position.

It has colored cards with different catagories. It has a card that explains what order you should use them in. Such as breathing first, then stretching,etc and ending with a relaxing "time in".
I let my kids pick a card (or 2) from each category and go for it!

You can also just search " Yoga Pretzels" and find them.

You can usually check out yoga DVDs at your local library. Or buy them cheap online or at Walmart. Or hit craigslist or garage sales.

3--For me personally I feel if my kids aren't involved I do relax better, but on the other hand I still get a good work out with them and usually we end up dancing crazy at the end and I love to see them getting into working out and staying fit. If you have a baby you can place them in front of you with a few toys or for the running toddler you could do some back rolls and air plane with them. You could also make a "bridge" and let them run underneath. Who said you can't have a little fun!:)

4--Don't ever put yourself down! No one is perfect at everything their first try! And I dont always have time to get out my mat and do yoga! With practice those impossible moves will become much easier to do. If yoga isn't your thing you can try these simple things with your kids:
Go for a walk (or adventure), hiking, bike ride, or just crank the music and go crazy dancing with your kids! Exercising CAN be both fun and include your kids! We don't always have the time or access to a gym or pricey exercise equipment (or the space!). Yoga is inexpensive and the mat takes up very little space so it works well for me. Plus, I can easily still do it while pregnant.

5. Have fun! 

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