
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Travel Solutions

The other night my hubby had to work late which meant 2 things: I had to get both my girls ready for bed& asleep myself (which is totally fine except they both have to have someone lay by them to go to sleep but we figured that out:/) And that I had a couple hrs after the kids went to bed to do whatever I wanted! Which is a rare occasion indeed! 
Instead of watching a chick flick or folding laundry I decided I would make/sew a couple things I'd been meaning to (before the baby comes)! 
So after I cleaned up the kitchen a little and folded a little (couldn't relax with a pile of dishes in the sink:/) I whipped these babies up!
You can find the tutorial for this here:
This is a toothbrush roll made from terry cloth. It's easier to use a already made towel but this is what I had. I made enough pockets for all our toothbrushes and toothpaste but works great for just 1 persons worth too. If its just for you you could make pockets for travel size items like shampoo& conditioner.

I also whipped up a couple soap savers. One a little larger to fit my bigger bars of soap.
You can find the tutorial for this here:

Amazing what a couple hrs of alone time can do!:) 

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