
Thursday, April 18, 2013

DIY Training Pants

I took the plunge and made my own pull ups for my daughter! Have you noticed how expensive disposable pull ups are!? And underwear is super expensive and it doesn't have that extra padding/protection they need to keep you from having to change their pants, sheets& whatever else they had an accident on. Now, that said, the pull ups will still leak depending on how many layers you use& how big of an accident they have. Even diapers leak if they overflow them! So, ya, I wanted something she could wear at night& during the day that saved money& made her feel more like she was a big girl& not a baby. Even disposable pull ups were still "diapers" to her. SO with the help of my super green super woman sister in-law I made her some pull ups!
Here's where I got the tutorial& pattern:

We did fleece with the soaker/liner part being 1 layer fleece and 2 layers of flannel. You can add another layer if you want to. This way she feels wet but it doesn't leak too bad. Now, my daughter has skinny legs so that could be why hers leak a little. You could prob figure out a way to put snaps or Velcro on the sides so it's easier to open to dump the poo out or to make it a bit more snug, but the idea is for it to be more like underwear and not like a diaper so they learn to pull them up& down& not have accidents. It's totally up to you it's just a bit more work& planning.

I'm a visual learner so it was nice that my sister in-law showed me how to do the first one& then it was super easy after that! There's a picture tutorial too so it was super easy& I'm not really a "sewer". One thing we did different is just used a zigzag stitch on the edges instead of a serger. And just make sure when you cut the fabric you cut it so the waist& legs are stretchy. Otherwise it's a little difficult to stretch over their little bums to get on :) Even knowing this I got in a rush& still cut some of my pieces wrong. But even with mess ups it only took like 1/4-1/2 yard of fleece per pull up!

And as you can see they turned out great! We got a bunch of different fleece and flannels on sale& went crazy! I recommend making at LEAST 7 pairs and if you can make more do it! Because they still have accidents even when they are fully "potty trained"

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